Inspiring confidence

Confidence is the calm, in control energy we exude that draws people to us and makes other people want to follow us. A Dom must exude confidence for a submissive to want to hand over control to him. To inspire onfidence in a submissive:
Put her at ease
Be friendly & relaxed
Speak slowly & calmly
Maintain eye contact & smile
Ask a submissive about her limits, concerns, experiences and desires.
Speak intelligently about your domination style, interests, and kinks

How do you make a woman feel confident and sexy? Usually by engaging with them, by talking to them, by listening to them. And I don’t just mean chatting them up or faking an interest in their mind. If you are genuinely interested in a woman, one of the best things you can do to boost them up is treat them like a human being, not just seeing them as a body part for you to fuck.

Confidence is the essence of sexy. It is the energy we exude that draws people to us. Regardless of the nature of her sexual desires, to make any woman feel sexier, you must build up her self-confidence. That is the key to understanding how to nurture a beautiful insatiable, uninhibited vixen from within any woman with submissive desires. She is just a woman at the core.

nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent